Enable one wiring for DS18B20 and DS18S20+ digital thermometer
What is DS18B20 ?
FREE Raspbian repository
Good news everyone, free raspbian repository
https://packages.raspberry-hosting.com is dead, long live the http://deb.best-hosting.cz
Do you collocate RPi 2 (B)?
Yes, you can send or buy RPi 2. Rules are the same as for other RPi versions.
How long does it take to deploy RPi since delivery?
Your RPi should be connected within 24 hour from delivery. But in most cases, it is deployed in 1 hour (60 minutes) since delivery.
Do you have available slots to connect RPi?
Yes, we are. You can send your RPi and it should be deployed in 24 hours since delivery.
Sending RPi with USB stick
You can send your RPi (model A, B, B+, 2, ... etc.) with small sized USB stick. It is allowed to send USB sticks similar to:
Where can I find actual haproxy and keepalived deb packages for Raspberry Pi and how I install high availability?
At https://packages.raspberry-hosting.com/ we have provided for download the latest version of the HAProxy for Raspberry Pi.
There is also a init script. Packages will be updated regularly.
What you need:
4x Raspberry Pi
5x IP address (1 IP is need for Virtual Interface - VIF)
Where can I find actual version of NGINX for Raspberry Pi and how to install it?
At https://packages.raspberry-hosting.com/ we have provided for download the latest version of the nginx for Raspberry Pi.
There is also a init script. Packages will be updated regularly.
1. Update/upgrade
root@raspberrypi:~# apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
How to mount NFS storage to Raspberry Pi
Every Raspberry Pi hosting get automatically 1GB NFS storage for free. You could mount storage to you RPi with this command.
NFS mount
mount nfs-rpi.best-hosting.cz:/home/130512991e2eff15c295 /<your>/<destination>
You will find a path to your directory in your administration